• Corporate Custody: What Happens To A Family Business During A Divorce?

    A divorce is the end of a marriage. It doesn't have to conclusively mean the end of any partnership—although it often does. If you and your spouse are planning to divorce, and are in a partnership where you operate a small business, what becomes of that business?  A Business Partnership The dissolution of a marriage doesn't necessarily mean the dissolution of a business partnership. This is very much a subjective decision. [Read More]

  • Understanding Prenups: What Are the Benefits?

    No one hopes for their union to fail when they get into marriages. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, and for many reasons, relationships and marriages sometimes come to an end. When this happens, one of the most crucial aspects is usually the division of properties and finances. While not always, conflicts may sometimes arise regarding how finances and properties are handled in the event of a divorce or separation. And to avoid such, many people often decide to go for prenups or prenuptial agreements when they get into marriages. [Read More]

  • Follow These 3 Guidelines When Creating a Prenuptial Agreement

    Love is amazing, and meeting the person you hope to spend the rest of your life with is a blessing. But sometimes, being in love can cloud your judgment and make you forget certain possibilities the future may hold. When you are in a relationship with plans to get married, look at your future in the most realistic way possible. In case you split up, you can protect your finances or assets by creating a solid prenuptial agreement. [Read More]

  • How Could Estrangement Affect the Distribution of an Estate?

    With human nature being what it is, people sometimes argue and the results of that argument can fester and linger for months or even years. This is very unfortunate in the case of two family members, and it can often happen between a parent and their child with potential consequences ahead. If such a situation were to arise and continue through the unfortunate death of the elder, significant issues could arise when it comes to the distribution of the estate. [Read More]

  • Basics to Be Aware of Before Starting Your Own Business

    Once the entrepreneurial bug has bit you, you may be exhilarated at the thought of starting your own business. And if you have a product or a service that is game-changing, you may be thinking that all you need to do is put your business out there and start making money. The reality, however, is much different. There are some tenets you should be aware of if your business is to have a chance at success. [Read More]

  • Renting a Business Property: 2 Ways a Property Lawyer Can Help

    If you are planning to rent a business premises, you should consider hiring a property lawyer who will be able to help you to assess the terms of the lease and to negotiate with the owner of the property. Below is a guide to 2 things that a property lawyer will be able to help you with. The Rights to Carry Out Alterations to the Property Once you have moved into a commercial premises, you may wish to carry out modifications to the space so you can ensure that stock and customer service areas are in the ideal position. [Read More]

  • Starting a Pest Control Business? Make Sure You're Operating Legally

    Starting your own business is one of the most exciting things you can do, but it's certainly not short on potential stress. With some types of business, however, there are very specific steps you need to take in order to make sure you're operating legally. Pest control is a service that will never go out of fashion. People will always need a way to deal with unpleasant and harmful critters in their homes and business premises, and there will always be work for professionals who can do that particular type of work. [Read More]

  • What You Need to Know About Adding Non-Compete Clauses to Your Employees' Contracts

    If you run a creative company, an engineering firm or a multitude of other businesses, you may want to include a non-compete clause in your employees' contracts. Before doing so, however, you may want to understand a bit more about these clauses. Here's the basics. 1. Non-compete Clauses Can Be Essential to Protect Your Business When you're brainstorming with your employees, doing research and developing products, a lot of information gets shared. [Read More]